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I created some relaxing and healing
meditations for you. If inspired consider a donation of any amount to Robyn-Moreno via Venmo so I can keep offering these meditations for free.
Much love, enjoy!
Hummingbird Meditation
This hummingbird meditation helps us gather the strength of our willpower so we can listen to the hummingbird energy that resides in our hearts to lead us back home
Connected Roots Meditation
We can not give what we don't have. This meditation helps remind us of our innerconnectivity to nature and each other. So we can nourish and replenish ourselves, then with fullness and intention exhale our energy back out into the world.
Call in the Ancestors Meditation
Our ancestors are always with us, but do we take the time to connect with them? In this sweet meditation, we'll call in our ancestors to ask for guidance and receive sacred messages.
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